Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Yeah yeah i know...

Well here is a bit of an update for you all. As of now our show is officially done. Our order was "cut short" which means that originally ABC wanted 13 episodes of our show.. which is a whole season. After 6 of them they decided to cut the order from 13 to seven so we were allowed to film one more episode and then we had to wrap it up.

The show hasnt been doing well in the ratings at all... and in my opinion certainly isnt that funny.. which is a shame.. but oh well, what can you do.

So for the past few weeks we have been packing up the office supplies and taking down one of the stages and sort of just getting all our junk together.

This means that technically when i am done here, in a week and a half i will be "UNEMPLOYED" for like the 100th time in my life.. so nothing new. Most people in "the biz" collect unemployment after something like this because technically they are laid off... i on the other hand am not a california resident, so because of a million different reasons cannot collect money from a state i dont reside in... so no unemployment for me...

That means i'm back on the job hunt.. WHOOT WHOOT!!!! but according to EVERYONE i talk to.. NOTHING is going on in the industry and jobs are EXTREMELY scarse.. so finding one will be an interesting challenge.

As of now i have a week and a half left sitting in this office doing litterally NOTHING since the phone doesnt even ring (HAHA.. seriously while i was typing that sentence the phone rang for the 2nd time today!). So that gives me some good time to find a job! so lets hope for the best.

Yesterday i went to another taping of Jimmy Kimmel Live... the late night talk show i've been to a few times. So last night i got to see Billy Bob Thorton (and hear his band play) and Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) was there... PIMP!!!!!

LA is a great town!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Work Work Work!

So after hearing from my sister in law saying that no one has heard from me for the last month i figure it's time to get back to this thing!

So two weeks ago i went snowboarding at the famous Big Bear Mountain just outside of LA.. it was a good time... for the first two hours. Was getting my snowboarding legs back, just about the time i DRILLED a jump wrong.. feet kicked out infront of me and landed FLAT on my butt... and i assume that somewhere in there my head hit the snow but i dont remember. Goggles when flying one way.. me the other.

It didnt HURT that badly.. but it did shake the confidence a bit. So what do i do? in order to avoid all of the jumps they had there i went ALL the way up the mountain and did a double black. NOT the best move when you're a bit shaken. It was not pretty, but i didnt die.. so thats ok... so after that attempt i noticed the place was REALLY packed... 45 minute waits to get on the lifts... it had warmed up and the snow was slushy.. so by 1pm i was done.

Well evidently the bop on the head must have knocked something loose.. cuz monday i had a TERRIBLE day at work as i continued to mess EVERYTHING up.. not knowing why.. then early morning tuesday i looked up with a concussion was and yup.. sure enough.. i'm pretty sure i got a slight concussion from that nasty landing!

Oh well.. the life of a professional snowboarder!

The show is going well

This is a picture of the ladies on the set.

They seem to be advertising the crap out of the show hoping for big ratings i guess??? OH and the other day they were having an Hurricane on the set.. so it was neat to run down there and see the special effects they were doing to make a hurricane happen.. pretty sweet!

My job Valeting Megan's car has come to an end.. she has an assigned spot now.. so no need for me huh? :-)

But yeah.. the big day is coming up.. March 26 is the big night.. make some popcorn.. enjoy a show.. and help increase my job security ;-)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Weekend? What weekend?

So after working monday through friday this week i decided to help out on the reshoots of a student film that i helped on when i first moved out here. Which meant i not only spent my WEEK working my weekend was also a couple extra days of work!

The good news is that it was working on the set, and it was a lot more fun the working in the office like i normally do. More joking around and more people to interact with, so it was certainly a good time...

But then last night, when we had our WRAP WRAP party (we already had a wrap party for when we finished shooting, so we had to do a second one for the reshoots) someone asked me what time i work tomorrow.. and it wasnt until that point when i realized my whole weekend was done!

Oh well, i did have a good time.. now back at it!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another brief delay, but i'm back...

Well its been a while so i figured its time to inform you on whats happening left coast!

We are still in the Interim time between shooting our first episode and the shooting of the REST of the first season... oddly enough even thought it's been shot and been put in front of (what seems like EVERYONE) i still have yet to see it! haha

After it was all done shooting i realized that they had revised the script so many times i didnt even recognize the parts that i DID get to see them shoot so i re-read the script... yup.. it was different.. but FUNNY!

So i'll make sure to inform you about when the first episode will air so you can tell all your friends and boost our ratings so i can keep my job! haha

I was also able to hit up Jimmy Kimmel again. A great way to add celebrities to my list. Dustin Hoffman was on, so i was REALLY glad to get tickets... had a great time. I sat in the VERY front row and during the commercial Dustin Hoffman even came over and shook my hand! OH YEAH! haha

So if you want, you can watch that episode online at its really quite funny.

Other then that i was just informed of a possibility to get health insurance and work!! oh yeah..The MOUSE will now be my doctor!

I updated my other blog as well!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ladies and Gentlemen...

Well here we go again.. this coming thursday i am going to yet ANOTHER taping of Jimmy Kimmel Live! i'm super excited because Dustin Hoffman will be on the show, so that will be yet another of my glorious celebrity sightings.

Work wise things are going well, but quite slow. Not a whole lot happening in this downtime between shooting our first episode and getting the rest of the first season shot. They have hired a bunch of new writers to get working on it, and so other then the writing staff and the accounting staff its a pretty empty office! oh well, i still get to answer the 5 phone calls that happen per day, and I only stay at work for 8 hour days instead of the usual 12-15.. so thats nice!

Other then that, major warm spell going through town.. mid seventies.. very nice weather... i think i even got some sun on Sunday... HAHA.. michigan SUCKERS!!!

And i'm looking at snowboarding this Saturday.. BRING IT!

and thats about it...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

hey yall.. new blog

OK.. so in addition to THIS blog i have made a second purely for Celebrity Sightings. the rules of the game are... i have to have PHYSICALLY seen that person with my own four eyes (remember i wear glasses, then you'll get that joke), and then i am allowed to add them to my other blog.

So check it out ---

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Its a whole new level when....

Its a whole new level when a TV star recognizes YOU!!!

HAHA.. yes.. thats right ya'll.. I was so impressed yesterday when i was leaving the set right behind Megan Mullally and she saw me behind her and said "thanks for being so sweet and for parking my car for me". and then we had a brief conversation..

and as i walked away i thought.. .WOW... its a whole new level when the TV recognizes YOU!! haha.. awesomeness